Quizzes Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You Most Guilty Of? Joshua Lewis Editor posted on 7 years ago Share Tweet Google+ 1,154 views Find out which sin you are most guilty of out of the deadly seven. Watching Netflix all day Checking out cute people at the mall Eating Shopping and spending money Fighting with my annoying siblings Stalking people on Instagram and wishing my life was as good as theirs Hitting the gym to show off my six pack Sleep Sex Food Money Winning an argument Getting what I want Confidence That I'd never have to do any work I could control minds I could eat without gaining weight I'd get a million dollars That my enemies would die I could make everyone jealous of me I could become a celebrity or god Staying in and cuddling Making out Eating at a restaurant with good food As long as my date pays for the date then I'm fine with anything I don't care as long as my date pleases me Going somewhere expensive so I can show off to my friends Trying to impress my date Patrick Spongebob Gary Mr. Krabs Squidward Plankton Sandy Comfy sweatpants and over sized shirt Anything that makes me look sexy Loose clothing that hides my body Expensive, branded clothing Casual jeans and shirt I go with the popular trends Sportswear Sleeping in until 5 pm Dated more than one person at the same time Not sharing food Spent money on something you don't need Broken something when you were angry Stolen something Lied to make myself look good Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You Most Guilty Of? SHARE YOUR RESULTS Share Tweet Google+ Pinterest YOUR REACTION? 0 AWESOME! 0 NICE 0 LOVED 0 LOL 0 FUNNY 0 FAIL! 0 OMG! 0 EW!